
"Empower Your Workforce with Zoho People: Streamlining HR Management for a Smarter, Efficient, and Happier Workplace."

ZOHO People emerges as a versatile and user-friendly platform designed to streamline HR processes. This cloud-based solution offers a variety of modules, ensuring that businesses can manage their workforce efficiently.

Employee Database: At the core of Zoho People is its extensive employee database which holds vital information about every employee, ensuring easy access to details like personal data, job roles, and contact information.

Attendance Management: Traditionally organizations rely on manual attendance tracking. Zoho People's attendance automates this process, providing real-time insights into employee attendance, leaves, and working hours.

Leave Management: Managing leaves is a complicated task. With Zoho People, employees can request leaves, and managers can approve or reject them easily. It also provides a calendar view, making employees to view, track and plan for their future.

Performance Appraisal: Performance reviews are vital for employee growth. It facilitates timely and structured performance evaluations, ensuring continuous feedback and development of employees.

Time Tracking: It offers insights into time spent on various tasks, promoting productivity and accountability.

Training & Development: Investing in employee growth is essential. Zoho People's training module aids in organizing training sessions, tracking employee progress, and ensuring skill enhancement across the organization.

Recruitment & Onboarding: Finding the right talent is crucial. Zoho People streamlines the recruitment process, from posting job vacancies to onboarding new hires, ensuring a smooth transition into the organization.

Reports & Analytics: Data-driven decisions drive success. Zoho People's analytics offers comprehensive reports on various HR metrics, enabling businesses to extracts actionable insights and optimize their strategies.

Document Management: Managing HR-related documents can be challenging. Zoho People's document management module secures storage, easy retrieval, and streamlined sharing of essential documents.

Mobile Accessibility: In today's digital age, flexibility is key. Zoho People's mobile app ensures that HR processes are accessible anytime, anywhere, catering to the needs of a mobile workforce.

Customization: Zoho People offers various customization options to tailor HR operations to your needs.

  1. You can personalize dashboards, forms by dragging and dropping fields, hiding elements conditionally, and creating new fields.

  2. You can redesign your dashboard with widgets you use most, Inject your company's branding into Zoho People with custom logos, colors, and themes.

  3. Create buttons or events that trigger automated actions, like downloading documents, initiating approvals, or sending notifications, remainders, emails without complex workflow setup


We will definitely make a big difference to your ZOHO Journey


Plot No. 12, 4th Floor, Silicon Heights, Silicon Valley, Madhapur, Hyderabad, Telangana 500081